#!/usr/bin/env php If you call this with argument "unused=true" it searches for the translation strings that exist in en_US but are never used. IMPORTANT: that can take quite a lot of time (up to 10 minutes), you need to tune the max_execution_time on your php.ini accordingly. Duplicate strings in lang files in /home/corsemodjz/www/dolibarr/dev/translation/../../htdocs/langs/en_US/ - 53 found ***** Entries duplicated in same file None ***** Entries in main and another (keep only entry in main) Exports : accountancy.lang (201 - Exports) main.lang (748 - Exports) Export : accountancy.lang (202 - Export) main.lang (747 - Export) Browser : admin.lang (905 - Browser) main.lang (622 - Browser) MulticurrencyPaymentAmount : main.lang (329 - Payment amount, original currency) multicurrency.lang (18 - Payment amount, original currency) ***** Entries in admin and another InternalUser : admin.lang (42 - Internal user) users.lang (65 - Internal user) NoticePeriod : admin.lang (237 - Notice period) holiday.lang (90 - Notice period) String : admin.lang (362 - String) members.lang (97 - String) Int : admin.lang (364 - Integer) members.lang (99 - Int) DateAndTime : admin.lang (366 - Date and hour) members.lang (100 - Date and time) Upgrade : admin.lang (894 - Upgrade) install.lang (100 - Upgrade) Server : admin.lang (906 - Server) install.lang (46 - Server) DatabaseServer : admin.lang (908 - Database host) install.lang (49 - Database server) DatabaseName : admin.lang (909 - Database name) install.lang (50 - Database name) DriverType : admin.lang (917 - Driver type) install.lang (45 - Driver type) CompanyName : admin.lang (936 - Name) companies.lang (26 - Company name) CreditNote : admin.lang (1135 - Credit note) bills.lang (269 - Credit note) CreditNotes : admin.lang (1136 - Credit notes) bills.lang (270 - Credit notes) WithdrawalsSetup : admin.lang (1381 - Setup of module Direct debit payment orders) withdrawals.lang (22 - Direct debit payment setup) Buy : admin.lang (1465 - Buy) products.lang (41 - Purchases) Sell : admin.lang (1466 - Sell) products.lang (40 - Sales) AccountancyCode : admin.lang (1469 - Accountancy Code) companies.lang (284 - Accounting account) CashDesk : admin.lang (1486 - Point of sales) cashdesk.lang (3 - Point of sale) ByDefaultInList : admin.lang (1621 - Show by default on list view) categories.lang (87 - By default in list) ***** Other LineId : accountancy.lang (90 - Id line) exports.lang (41 - Id of line) CustomerInvoicePayment : accountancy.lang (155 - Payment of invoice customer) banks.lang (94 - Customer payment) AffectedTo : agenda.lang (9 - Assigned to) projects.lang (93 - Allocated to) Location : agenda.lang (14 - Location) stocks.lang (26 - Location) InterventionSentByEMail : agenda.lang (73 - Intervention %s sent by EMail) interventions.lang (39 - Intervention %s sent by EMail) IBAN : banks.lang (29 - IBAN number) bills.lang (384 - IBAN) BIC : banks.lang (30 - BIC/SWIFT number) bills.lang (385 - BIC/SWIFT) StandingOrders : banks.lang (35 - Direct Debit orders) bills.lang (216 - Direct debit orders) withdrawals.lang (4 - Direct debit payment orders) StandingOrder : banks.lang (36 - Direct debit order) bills.lang (217 - Direct debit order) withdrawals.lang (5 - Direct debit payment order) Account : banks.lang (61 - Account) compta.lang (15 - Account) SubscriptionPayment : banks.lang (96 - Subscription payment) members.lang (138 - Subscription payment) Payments : bills.lang (60 - Payments) compta.lang (62 - Payments) InvoiceRef : bills.lang (292 - Invoice ref.) compta.lang (169 - Invoice ref.) NoSupplierOrder : boxes.lang (66 - No recorded supplier order) orders.lang (77 - No supplier order) ShowCompany : cashdesk.lang (29 - Show company) companies.lang (300 - Show third party) Customer : commercial.lang (4 - Customer) companies.lang (257 - Customer) Prospect : commercial.lang (6 - Prospect) companies.lang (255 - Prospect) propal.lang (12 - Prospect) ContractStatusClosed : contracts.lang (9 - Closed) products.lang (67 - Closed) ExportsArea : exports.lang (2 - Exports area) other.lang (203 - Exports area) ExportableDatas : exports.lang (6 - Exportable dataset) other.lang (207 - Exportable data) AvailableFormats : exports.lang (27 - Available formats) other.lang (204 - Available formats) CreateUser : install.lang (56 - Create owner) users.lang (29 - Create user) Nature : members.lang (153 - Nature) products.lang (152 - Nature) OrderDate : orders.lang (9 - Order date) suppliers.lang (9 - Order date) Stock : products.lang (37 - Stock) stocks.lang (16 - Stock) Stocks : products.lang (38 - Stocks) stocks.lang (17 - Stocks) Movements : products.lang (39 - Movements) stocks.lang (21 - Movements) Suppliers : products.lang (72 - Suppliers) suppliers.lang (2 - Suppliers) ListOfStockMovements : products.lang (79 - List of stock movements) stocks.lang (24 - List of stock movements) Unit : products.lang (154 - Unit) stocks.lang (33 - Unit)